Sunday, May 19, 2013

Nevermind The Backlash

A warning for most, the observations and depictions below could become branded as offensive, or depending on your perspective, quite an awakening experience.

A direct compilation of hostile intent continues to surround our way of life within the USA (or United States of Amnesia) given our democratic rights can/will be recalled akin to any despotic kingdom generations prior.

Given the source material, an ongoing theme of culture conflict has been encouraged by choosing to ignore this very evident crisis of obvious corruption & deception.

The manufactured fervor behind the Obama Umbrella Chronicles can be processed as a moment of stewardly dedication:

…has been mutated to deliver a whimsical message of knuckle dragger wit:

The anticipation is without question, verified through public applause and sentiment, speaking in volumes of unpatriotic condescension

A connective portrayal has been posted previously entitled : Stand Your Ground Soldier, and Reload!


Well-wishers were allowed a glimpse within an alternate reality showcasing Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s authoritative might to set the uncivilized half-wit in his place.

Someone took the time to alter said photos to express evil intention. It’s so overwhelming at times, strategically unavoidable by design. The hate and evil they promote has reached an unsettling consensus & glamorized as common-place civility.

A dreadful depiction of free will, I know.
I was appalled, completely disgusted.
However, that mindset is shared amongst our neighbors and I deemed it necessary to broadcast and cast an illuminated light onto this form of cowardice.

To realize the purpose of this humorless joke, this visual attack; low-level instigator comedy set to charge our most basic, primary emotions.

Lest we forget, this similarity of wickedness celebrating social ostentation was previously demonstrated via postcards as a keepsake. 

To adorn the memory of social superiority above their fellow man as a form of amusement during our Industrial Era.

"The Whipping Post", February 7, 1921 
(wish you were here!!!)

Make zero hesitation in the construct of disconnection through self-righteous hands have remanded lax and dormant during modern times.

Often catering towards Neanderthalic aggression, a need to churn a variety of socially destructive gears remains:


1. Civil unrest; to incite hostility through emotional aggravation.

    2. Desensitization; exercising the use of violence, promote misogyny, and patronize class conflict.

    3. Social backlash in preparation towards an elected official unlike anything humanity has previously encountered.


To do so would provide sympathy for the psychopath, for the spiritually depraved, whose descendants  stripped once fertile lands into barrenness plots that have been hollowed via cancerous ideology. 


Above all, once you have received this cautionary message, please continue onward with little hesitation in your daily quest.   

Please continue to view these primal images being engineered to ignite a flame of hatred that, consequently, dwells within these aforementioned Neanderthals and their sympathizers.

Please continue to laugh at their elementary intellect that is so garishly on display for the world to see as they patiently attempt to build their political lightning-rod, their prized sell-out scapegoat. 
For the humor never lies within the idea of shooting an authoritative figure in the forehead at close range; the humor lies with the idea of instigators’ childish attempt to plant hatred in your heart, manipulating you to re-act as the uncivilized savage they are ever so desperate to accuse.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

TUNNELS: Four Earths (Sneak Preview Page)

Coming Soon.

"Tunnels: Four Earths" the sequel within the ongoing Tunnels saga.  
Witness the bonds that connect our physical world to others unseen by mortal eyes.  
These bonds lie in jeopardy as the balance of our Four Earths become disrupted beyond repair.

Details en route, follow preview page listed below:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Coming Soon: Doomed In Duplicity

The GameMasters prominently showcase their appointed “Queen”, their perfected doll, in sheer mockery during social disparity. 
Prepare yourself for this mental assault to symbolize extreme austerity; 
a Bipolar social arrangement represented through harsh contrast and Spiritual Deception.

Details coming soon kids, stay safe.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Don’t Be Evil, Mountain View, California!!!

As a citizen of the United States of America, it has become a gradual reoccurrence being surveyed and monitored at the expense of cherished modern conveniences. 

Necessitating governmental advents such as Homeland Security continues to make exhaustive efforts to drain tax dollars to feed our need of American Exceptionalism.

Using the choice-word “citizen” within such a self-description itself has divisionary context, for obvious generational concerns.  Generational 2nd class citizenship, and its many provocations, are routinely disguised as a non-fact, which lies in total contrast to our American reality in the attempt for unquestioned nationalistic glory. 

Outside of personal events and routines, I’ve taken a blogging hiatus of sorts after coming into the fire range within the ranks of censorship stormtroopers.  The aforementioned instances of tyrannical  surveillance were firmly in place as Facebook Agents tracked and monitored personal activity, as well as  restricting my overall access due to undefined “security reasons”.  

It has come to my attention within the past week, another government tool dispatched investigative drones for (probably the most overused term in recent memory) “suspicious” evaluation.  Surprising to say the least, notably so due to my almost 2-month inactivity; frequent bloghits began to populate from a singular centralized location…

Mountain View, California

Arrival or Departure
Long description
Current time: 21:32:05 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
20:08:56 -- 23 minutes ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
20:18:26 -- 1 hour ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
20:23:38 -- 1 hour 8 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
19:51:46 -- 1 hour 40 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
14:44:53 -- 6 hours 47 mins ago


Mountain View, California arrived from on 
14:13:13 -- 7 hours 18 mins ago

21:08:56 -- 10 hours 26 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
20:23:38 -- 11 hours 11 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
19:51:46 -- 11 hours 43 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
16:08:08 -- 14 hours 31 mins ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
18:50:42 -- 1 day 2 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
16:58:32 -- 1 day 4 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
16:41:18 -- 1 day 4 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
16:41:18 -- 1 day 4 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
02:26:12 -- 1 day 4 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
02:04:29 -- 1 day 4 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
21:08:56 -- 1 day 9 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
20:23:38 -- 1 day 10 hours ago

Mountain View, California arrived from on 
19:51:46 -- 1 day 10 hours ago

Yeah, a beautiful location I’m sure, neighboring international delights such as San Francisco & Monterey Bay,  and yes, the headquarters of the information juggernaut Google, Inc.

Such a shame really, not a single comment or correspondence was offered from these very persistent visitors, their collective suggestion and engaging conversation would have been more the welcomed.
Instead, a series of unresponsive probes with a standing, unmoving vigil was on clear display, akin to a rotation of this electronic-eye leering overhead gazing without response.

A trait that is again, common-place and welcomed to most citizens, a fellowship of Yahoo users have displayed compliance of Google/FBI relations within blatant overstepping and intrusion. Again, Yahoo users (who I’m sure have little doubt of personal citizenship status) a collective seemingly too lenient, too overtly laxed acknowledging this “all seeing eye” motif. 

These gears in full operation to, of course, maintain readiness of… suspicious activity and investigate "any danger to the national security of the United States, interference with a  blah blah wock wock wack blah Thhhbbbbbbbbtttt….”

Don’t Be Evil”, while terse and memorable, lies in comedic contrast towards callous intent to justify anemically divisive dry humor.

Yes, and the delicious irony is my consistent pilgrimage back to my Blogger page which you are reading.

All activity under the Google-Gaze, every personal declaration is on a one-way conduit traveling upstream to an available Google-Gatekeeper.

So much data to monitor, requiring a great deal of manpower & ingenuity, which is so well centralized leaving the public to willingly yield to its majesty.
The Monopoly- a true representation American greatness, with an arrangement showcasing a colorful track record of allegiance toward its most valuable asset: the people!

After all, I certainly doubt any chance of Google Branded Drones to hover around my residence, none of which could possibly become mounted stun-darts and laser-guided missiles…
for surveillance purposes…
certainly not…

Our levels of sky-climbing cultural insensitivity is continuously rising.
Such an apparent degree of "Harlem Shaking" and Internet Memes, Americanized dry humor will make a quick attempt to LMFAO. 
A Drone operator's trigger finger slips, while reclining in an ergonomic Admiral's chair (tax funded), releasing a volley of air-to-surface missiles toward a long-standing home built in 1935:

"Did I Do That?" (yes, an Urkel reference, yes, I'm dating myself, yes as a cultural slap...)
Boom, the new "Grumpy Cat".