Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dallas' Running of the Bulls

Last week, thousands of people lined the streets with enhanced levels of excitement and anticipation.
Many people have gathered around from various lands to participate in an extreme act of desperation that was observed by many spectators to survey the carnage at hand.
Once the announcement of this event spread throughout the masses, a surge of participants made sure that they can maintain their spot ahead of the competitive pack, charging on foot and braving the elements that beseech them.

No, this is not reflecting the time honored Spanish bull-run tradition of 2011 that's full of laughs and leisure:

These refers to the despicable arrangement in Dallas for housing public assistance taking place @ 6AM:

According to Human Services Department director Dr. Zachary Thompson. "Of course, we have people break line, running. That's to be expected." The scores of participants exceeded the department's expectations, but everyone who wanted an application got one in due process.
Mass confusion arose as the police forces where ill-prepared as well, leaving both public managing departments blaming each other for the amount of discord.

Not very surprising, after pulling statistical information from the United States Federal Reserve database, the rate of unemployment has breached nearly 9% of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington tri-city area (4th place largest metro in the U.S.). Given their population is nearly 6-million, that means over 500,000 without work, many looking for assistance along with those of the working poor engulfed with expenses.

These sort of events are far from isolated, a similar fallout took place in Atlanta less than 1-year ago, where the scale of human desperation reached tidal wave proportions.

Hmmmm- Video Removed... Try again:

When the crowd thinned out at the Tri-Cities Plaza Shopping Center, the parking lot was a sprawling mess of discarded water bottles, crushed soda cans and cigarette packs. Kim Lemish, East Point Housing Authority executive director, said the Section 8 housing applications were made available by the city for the first time in eight years because a waiting list had been depleted.

Of course, it was a listed as day a success coming from East Point officials, as every applicant who arrived and desired an application received the application. Going further, the unemployment rate has reached a new critical high, hitting nearly 11% of the city's population of 5-million.

Was this a glorified game of chess; some mangled scene of sport meant to entertain the populace? Is this fun to watch from a spectator's perspective, watching humans surge about like a swarm of piranha?

There is much debate over the given ratio of people who look and use this kind of public aid. Many associate this course of action as taking hand-outs for the lazy, the term "parasites" have been used in frequent debates as well. There is a level of objectivity that must be used in reviewing a crisis of this magnitude, how are people trying to better themselves so that they are not included in this statistic?

People have an inherent desire to work, to achieve, there is a mechanism within us that has evolved to execute problem solving tactics. The most obtainable solution would be finding someway to support oneself, hence grabbing a spot in line in a job fair may place yourself in a different bracket of opportunity:

An even heavier, weighty debate that concerns many middle class men and women focusing on the very opportunity for jobs and prosperity. It is, very much indeed, the platform based on economic strategists that have outlined theories of "Trickle Down Economics". A platform bearing very obvious results that proved to be impactful to say the least, with constant scenes of desperation that appears to be mirrored with class-favoritism and one-sided rewards.

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